Monday, February 17, 2014

Good Morning!

Lately Jackson has not been sleeping well, at all. It just seems to be getting worse not better. The last two nights I felt like I spent the night comforting him in his crib, then walking to bed and walking right back. After two nights of this and him waking up about every hour the nights before, I was exhausted. 

So last night when I'd already gotten up about twenty times in two hours I decides I was just going to swaddle him and put him in his swing. He can't be swaddled in his crib anymore because he rolls over and it's not the best for him to sleep in his swing because his back isn't flat and he snores more. Well I put him in his swing and got him to sleep. 

I woke up about four hours later and almost panicked, he was sleeping and was just fine thank goodness. It was so nice to get four hours of sleep in a row! Maybe there is light at the end of this long, long, long tunnel after all.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Weekend Fun :)

Steve had a rough work week this week and I wasn't able to work until the end of the week.  Which meant I had to work two days in a row. When I work two days in a row Jackson decides he wants to be a bottle baby and life becomes quite difficult.

Luckily this weekend he didn't struggle with eating. He sure did struggle with sleeping though. Ugg! He rolls over now, so we can't swaddled him anymore. Otherwise he rolls onto his stomach with his arms pinned down and it's kinda scary.  He did pretty well at sleeping like a big boy during the day on Friday, but really struggled at night. He woke up almost every 15 minutes for a few hours every night. It was exhausting for him as well as us. On Saturday we sent him over to grandma Shauna so that we could try to catch up on some sleep.

On Sunday we missed church again. Church at nine with a baby that doesn't sleep well is nearly impossible. We were able to go down to Sandy to visit grandma and grandpa Kemp though. Jackson wasn't his usual happy social self. Probably because he was tired from our sleepless nights. He cried and screamed when his great grandpa held him and also every time I tried to feed him. It was still a fun visit though.

Luckily, when we got home Jackson finally slept well for a night.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Shaylee's (and Baby Alice's) Ocean Baby Shower!

Steve's sister Shaylee (my favorite SIL :) ) is having a little girl in April. She's going to have an ocean themed nursery, so Steve's mom, Shauna, (the best MIL ever) and I got to throw her an amazing ocean-y shower.

Shauna decorated every nook and corner. It was fantastic! Everywhere you looked it was like you were at the beach or in the ocean with the sea creatures. 

Shauna also got lots of onesies and supplies for decorating them. Almost everyone who came stayed to make a onesie for Alice. It was such a fun and special shower because everyone stuck around and visited and ate. It didn't feel like it was rushed, like a lot of open house events do. I think the onesie decorating had a lot to do with everyone sticking around :)  And they all turned out so cute!

Jackson and I stayed the whole time too and really enjoyed ourselves. He smiled and visited with just about everyone. He really didn't even want to take a nap but grandma finally got him to rest for a few minutes.

3 months!

Jackson turned three months on Friday! He celebrated by rolling from his back to his tummy to his back to his tummy and almost back to his back again. At that point I picked him up because he was getting really cranky. 

It's been a lot harder to be a mom than I ever thought it would be. Especially at first! Sometimes, I seriously thought I couldn't do it. Everything that I read or was told, said that the first three months are especially hard. I just kept praying that we would make it to that magical three month mark. We did! And it really is getting so much better everyday.

I love him so much more everyday. His personality is really staring to show (less of the stubborn cranky part of his personality thank goodness!). He babbles and talks, blows spit and smiles, grabs his toys and our hands, and loves being around lots of people. He's a little social butterfly. We love him so much and are so thankful to have him in our lives.