Thursday, June 28, 2012

iOnce Meses!

Steve and I have now been married for once meses!  (or in English eleven months).  It's been probably the best eleven months of my life :)
We started out with a great honeymoon to Los Cabos, Mexico.  We really didn't make many plans but still had quite the adventure and I really want to go back again sometime soon.  We stayed in this cute little hotel/resort that was very cheap and much more authentic Mexican than any of the surrounding resorts.  It was so hot while we were there, but that made the water even more inviting.
Oh yes and the water in the pool was either heated or just very warm from being in the hot sun all day.  It wasn't very refreshing but it was still very nice to be in for as long as you wanted, because you didn't ever get cold.
Our real adventure down in Los Cabos was in riding the public bus with all of the locals.  There really weren't any tourists on the bus and it was fun because it felt more like a real experience, not just the tourist experience, but at the same time I definitely felt out of place.  We took the bus to a snorkeling beach that was off the highway between San Jose Del Cabo and Cabo San Lucas.  The bus driver missed our exit and then realized a minute later and dropped us off on the edge of the freeway and apologized and pointed which way we needed to go to the beach.  So we got off, crossed the freeway, and walked down an abandoned road that used to be the freeway through the nice Mexican desert to the beach.  We were completely safe and nothing happened to us, but it felt really dangerous and stupid at the time.
Here's a picture of the old highway we walked on to get to the beach.
After we got back from Mexico we went back to work and trying to get our house put together.  It really was a mess at first and it was making us both crazy, but we were able to get it all put away and make it work.  Steve worked part time for Petzl on and off for quite a while and I worked nights on the weekends down in Salt Lake which wasn't so fun.  On our first anniversary I came home from work in the morning and found my wedding bouquet on our coffee table in a vase and pictures from our wedding hung up all over the walls and a sign that Steve had colored himself that said "Happy one month Anniversary!"  It was pretty awesome :)

Now we're coming up on our big one year anniversary.  I can't wait!  We're going to go camping and river rafting up in Jackson Hole with Steve's family at the end of July and it happens to fall on our anniversary.  I can't really think of anything funner to do for it.

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